2017年3月31日 星期五

2017 五年級 童話桌遊創作~Magic Magician & Pets Up

2017 五年級 童話桌遊創作

Magic Magician 神奇魔術師
In this game, everyone is the boss whoever hires five employees first will be the winner. We highly recommend you to play Magic Magician, not only because it is fun, but also it will help you learn new English words, and understand the meaning and pronunciation of many words. One move, two gains. Why not join us?

Pets Up
寵物大賽(Pets Up),裡面的角色有:Max dog ,Judy bird ,Katie cat ,Sam turtle Alice rabbit。有一天,牠們的主人要一起去旅行,於把牠們送到動物學校。牠們一到動物學校的那一天就要舉行一場跑步比賽。這場人聲鼎沸的跑步比賽就是我們的遊戲,只要有一隻動物超過了終點,遊戲就結束了!快來聽我們介紹吧!There are five animals in the game. They are Max dog, Judy bird, Katie cat, Sam turtle and Alice rabbit. One day, when their masters want to travel together, they send them to an animal school. They have a running competition on the day they go to the animal school. This running competition is our game. As long as there is an animal arrive the finish line, the game is over! Come and listen to our introduction!

